Monday, April 23, 2012

Yellow Magic Announces Local Search Association Sustainability Report Mobile App Ready for Apple & Android

The app uses Yellow Magic's YelloTouchTechnology that enables users to view a digital version of printed materials such as the print directories. The pages can either be viewed online or downloaded to the mobile device and thereafter no Internet connection or data usage is required to view the publication. And moreover, pages can be updated at any time to continue selling into the directory and to keep it current.

To use the apps:
First, if you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, search for LSA Report on the Apple App Store and install the app. If you have an Android phone or tablet, search for LSA Report on the Android Market (Google Play) and install the app.

 When you first run the app you will be given a quick-reference help screen and you can always go to Help to see detailed instructions, but here is a quick summary of what you can do.

You will have the choice to use the app online or to just download all of the content to your device. 

On Apple devices, single-touch a page to access the controls including the Table of Contents, Thumbnails, Search, Bookmarks and Help.  On Android devices, use the menu button.

Touch a Thumbnail to go to that page. 

On Apple devices, double-touch (double-tap or use two fingers) to zoom. When in the Zoom mode, all URLs, e-mail addresses and phone numbers are hot.   It is only in Zoom mode that you can access the hot links on Apple devices.  

Use a two-finger "pinch" to zoom in and out.
If you are on a phone (not a tablet) touch a telephone number to dial.
 And if you would like to see where, when, and how much the LSA Sustainability Report apps have been used, go here:


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