Wednesday, May 30, 2012

David Goddard of The Goddard Report Interviews Ron Mintle, CEO of Yellow Magic

May 2012

Yellow Magic CEO Ron Mintle recently shared his thoughts on the success of directory publishers with Dave Goddard at The Goddard Report, in the article "Mintle Sees Success in Blended Approach to Local Search as Print and Digital Collide."

"If you’re just print, you’re probably singing the blues, losing money and blaming print and the economy," Mintle said. "And, if you’re digital? Most aren’t doing well because they are competing in a space that is not brand conscious because users and advertisers are fickle on digital. And, who’s successful? People who don’t say ‘I am digital or I am print.’ It is people who say ‘I’m going to serve the buyer and the seller.'"

The Goddard Report (formerly Yellow Pages & Directory Report) has been the leading independent source of timely news and objective analysis on the yellow pages industry for more than 25 years, delivering breaking stories about key mergers & acquisitions; expansion efforts and new releases; financial results at top companies; new sales contracts; and management changes.

For more of Mintle's insights on the industry, visit The Goddard Report website.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What Our Customers Are Saying

There is no doubt that Yellow Magic has had the opportunity to work with some of the finest directory publishers and production staffs across the globe.  "What Others Say About You" has always been important feedback for our executive team because it not only offers direction on how to continue to improve your product, service and customer service, it is also a very powerful morale-lifter for the entire company when "What They Say" is genuine, kind and complimentary.

We've just posted a few comments from some of our publishers that have been using Yellow Magic Directory Publishing software, on our home page.  YellowMagic

The comments add a variety of perspectives over many years of usage.

We really appreciate any and all feedback we get from our users, for we are indeed, partners in our mutual success.