Thursday, January 20, 2011

YelloTouch for Android

for Android

The Android version of YelloTouch is here! Now you can search the Android Market for “YelloTouch” to download, install, and play with YelloTouch for Android.

There are a lot of yellow pages apps appearing from companies all around the world, and we try to find and test them all, and to date, we have not found even one that comes close to what YelloTouch is. All of the others are nothing more than an interface that goes to a web site. They are not sophisticated apps, but rather fancy links. If you download any of them, just put your mobile device in Airplane Mode (turn off any cellular and/or Wi-Fi connections) and see if the app still works!

Once a YelloTouch directory has been installed and downloaded, no Internet connection is required unless the user wants to go an advertiser’s website.

And none of them are look-and-feel directories. They are for the most part, simple search engine type listing returns. Only with YelloTouch can a user see all of the listings and ads of a page or a page spread all at the same time and without clicking back-and-forth to see details.

But the most important aspect of YelloTouch is not the unique technology, it is how the technology can increase distribution and create another profit center.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Try a YelloTouch Directory for Free

Try a

Now there is a YelloTouch demo app on the Apple App Store that you can download and evaluate a YelloTouch directory yourself.  If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, just visit the App Store and search for “YelloTouch” and you will find the Hagadone Directories’ Black Book for Del Norte, Idaho.  If you have an Android device, it is coming soon to the Android Marketplace, so contact us and we will send you a link to download it.

This app was launched on the App Store on December 23rd and as of Monday, January 3rd, the directory has been accessed over 500 times by users in countries all over the world.  Here is what the eastern part of the US looks like.

And this was during the Christmas holiday time!

Go here to see a map of where the directory has been used:  You can scroll around and zoom into any area to see details.

Most other apps are nothing more than a simple program that directs the user to a web site, but once downloaded YelloTouch directories are resident on the mobile device and can be used anytime, anywhere, with or without a cellular or Wi-Fi connection.

And time after time it has been shown that someone can find what they are looking for much faster with the content-rich format of the printed book than with the limited information that Internet-type search result listings provide.

Now your customers can have all the benefits of a Yellow Pages printed directory, without chopping down trees or the hassles that come with opt-out programs.  In addition, you get all the benefits of an electronic directory, such as in-book searches, bookmarks, additional advertising opportunities and an icon on their devices that reminds them your directory is just a finger-tap away.

The best of all is that it is quick, easy, and inexpensive to turn your own directory into a YelloTouch directory.  Contact us and learn how today.